Virtual Business Partner Ltd
Throughout the years we have established a strong reputation for helping many businesses reach their potential and develop into highly successful enterprises.
The core principles and methodology that have led us to so many successes have developed and progressed in those years.
So how do we make it happen .......
Our Business Acceleration Program
Takes Your Business To The Next Level.
This program is our full service package and contains everything needed to drive your business forward.
You may choose it for a whole variety of reasons......
You’ve hit a ‘glass ceiling’ and feel you can’t grow your business any further. Yet you can see your competitors outperform you and know you should be there too but just can’t work out how to get there.
You are a specialist or innovator in your chosen field and great at what you do but you don’t have the marketing, finance or business development skills to take your business to the next stage.
Business has been good to you but it’s time to do something new or retire. Your accountant has talked about exit strategies, however, to get the best price in a sale you need to systemise your marketing and operations so your business is not so reliant upon your personal knowledge and relationships.
You’ve previously had consultants in but they just left you with a report on what you should do without actually helping you to do it. What you want now is someone to work in partnership with who will help you implement business strategies, not just talk about them.
Initial Fact Find, review and ‘snapshot’ of your business, Identification of your needs & Letter of Agreement
Creation and Compilation of Business Development Action Plan.
Market Research, USP and Positioning Workshop,
Employee Research and Workshops
Implementation Phase and
Planning for the Future
Management: 95%